PAST NEWs 2019-20
May 27th, 2020
Hello Band Students and Parents!
Students (including Seniors) are encouraged to hold onto any school instruments at this time. They may be checked in (or checked out for next year) when we have our REHEARSAL/RECOGNITION DAY on June 29th at KHS at 2 PM or immediately following Gradation on July 2nd.
At that rehearsal (June 29th) we will work on ENCANTO and POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE for Graduation. If you need music for either one of those songs, students please check your email for a link to print out the music.
Also at that rehearsal (June 29th) we will recognize our SENIORS and give them a chance to play some music! Wind Ensemble could play Shadow Rituals, Concert Band could play Rampage!
Lastly, at that rehearsal we will announce next year's section leaders and drum majors plus recognize the band letter winners from this year.
I will be sending a reminder of this information again as we get closer along with some more protocol on how we plan to make our rehearsal a safe, positive experience for the students.
Please keep following the calendar at
Mr. Krall
Hello Band Students and Parents!
Students (including Seniors) are encouraged to hold onto any school instruments at this time. They may be checked in (or checked out for next year) when we have our REHEARSAL/RECOGNITION DAY on June 29th at KHS at 2 PM or immediately following Gradation on July 2nd.
At that rehearsal (June 29th) we will work on ENCANTO and POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE for Graduation. If you need music for either one of those songs, students please check your email for a link to print out the music.
Also at that rehearsal (June 29th) we will recognize our SENIORS and give them a chance to play some music! Wind Ensemble could play Shadow Rituals, Concert Band could play Rampage!
Lastly, at that rehearsal we will announce next year's section leaders and drum majors plus recognize the band letter winners from this year.
I will be sending a reminder of this information again as we get closer along with some more protocol on how we plan to make our rehearsal a safe, positive experience for the students.
Please keep following the calendar at
Mr. Krall
May 18th, 2020
Hello Everyone!
Here's an update for this final week of school:
We're planning on next year happening like normal, and as we need to adapt to make student safety the top priority we will do so. Our first meeting for next year is on July 27th. Kuna Days preparation will begin at the high school the week of August 3-7. Our calendar for next year will be updated this week on our website!
I love you all- thank you for being amazing students and being so resilient, patient and flexible through this odd time! Please send me an email that says that you've received this information and see you soon!
Skyler Krall
Director of Bands
Kuna High School
Hello Everyone!
Here's an update for this final week of school:
- This year's FINAL ACTIVITY is to fill out the Band Handbook for next year! It's available as a digital form this year. Please complete the form ASAP! Here's the google form:
- On this Wednesday at 10 AM, ALL BAND STUDENTS are invited to our last Google Meet of the school year.
- Seniors! On Wednesday at 11 AM, we'll meet together as Band Seniors only! I'll bring the food (too bad that that is not how online meetings work) and you bring the party! Link is in your email/on the band calendar.
- This year's FINAL ACTIVITY is to fill out the Band Handbook for next year! It's available as a digital form this year. Please complete the form ASAP! Here's the google form:
- If you need to fill out the Band Handbook on a physical copy, feel free to print out the final two pages and return/mail them to Kuna High School with Mr. Krall's name on it.
- Once you fill out a Band Handbook for next year, I will be emailing your music for the Kuna Days Parade, a Warmup Packet and our Show music for next year!
- Our next band function will be our Rehearsal/Recognition Day on June 29th at KHS at 2 PM. We will prepare music for Pomp and Circumstance (I'm making the music available on Schoology this week), KHS Fight Song, and Encanto. We will also recognize our AMAZING SENIORS and announce our Drum Majors and Section Leaders for this next year! We will know definitively by about June 18th if we have the green light for this event. Currently, things are looking encouraging for this event to happen. More specific information will be sent out at that time.
- Instrument and music check in/out. It sounds like the high school is planning a return day this week. As a band, we WILL NOT be turning things in this week. We will turn instruments and music in at the Rehearsal/Recognition Day on June 29th. If you need an instrument/music all the way through Graduation, you will be able to turn your instrument in immediately following Graduation. More information will follow.
We're planning on next year happening like normal, and as we need to adapt to make student safety the top priority we will do so. Our first meeting for next year is on July 27th. Kuna Days preparation will begin at the high school the week of August 3-7. Our calendar for next year will be updated this week on our website!
I love you all- thank you for being amazing students and being so resilient, patient and flexible through this odd time! Please send me an email that says that you've received this information and see you soon!
Skyler Krall
Director of Bands
Kuna High School
Happy Monday Students and Parents!
Here's a list of things to check out in regards to band this week. There's a lot of new things, so please read EVERYTHING:
- Distance Learning Week #4 has been updated in Schoology. This week I have you continuing to work with Sight Reading Factory's awesome resources for Activity #1.
- Activity #2 for this week is next year's MARCHING BAND SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT! Go check out the music in the Activity #2 Document in Schoology or on our website:
- I'll have marching band parts available for you in the next week or two (as soon as invoices and copyrights are finalized).
- If you're interested in being a part of Jazz 1 for next school year (even if you were in it this year), please fill out this application by this Friday (May 15th):
- I'm almost done with next year's Band Handbook. When I send that link out, please fill the form out as quickly as possible. Once I receive your handbook form, I will email you a new warmup packet, parade music and next year's marching show music.
- Thank you to those who have applied for the Band Letter and Section Leader/Drum Major. That information will be publicized according to this next announcement.
- I'm happy to share an announcement that will essentially answer a lot of questions that you may have had. Currently, KHS is planning on Graduation on July 2nd. If Graduation will be able to fully happen on that date (given potential circumstances) then we will be having our band perform at this event. I anticipate that by about June 18 we will be able to determine definitively if this Graduation will be confirmed or not. In order to prepare for this Graduation Performance we will have a REHEARSAL AND RECOGNITION DAY for the band. That Rehearsal and Recognition Day will be on MONDAY, JUNE 29th at the High School. The main idea behind this Day would be to get our groups back together and MAKE MUSIC, recognize our BAND SENIORS, highlight our LETTER WINNERS, announce our SECTION LEADERS/DRUM MAJORS, and prepare to play at GRADUATION. It's regrettable that this is as late as this day would need to be (acknowledging that some students may not be available), but I believe the excitement of making some music as a BAND would make this a truly unforgettable experience for all involved! Tentatively, we will plan on this happening beginning at 2 PM. Currently, the plan is to have students only involved in this event, though as it gets closer, we can reevaluate. We will do our best to adhere to any social-distancing guidelines and state recommendations at that time. Under the current Idaho State Stages of Reopening we would be able to meet on that date. More information(and music) on this event will be shared in the upcoming weeks.
Skyler Krall
Director of Bands
Kuna High School
Kuna Gold Band and Guard at State Football Playoffs
Kuna Gold Band and Guard at D3 Marching Band
On Saturday, Oct. 26th the Kuna Gold Band and Guard finished it's 2019 marching season with a performance at Boise State University. The band won first place in the 4A division at the Mel Shelton D3 Marching Band Festival. The band also took home awards for Best Music, Best Visual, Best General Effect and Best Colorguard.
Kuna Wind Ensemble and Kuna Concert Band at Band Festival
Kuna Jazz I Attends BYU-Idaho Jazz Festival
KHS Band Students participate Boise State Honor Band 2-23-19
2019 All-State Band Participants
Bryan B. (alto saxophone) and Zach M. (clarinet) will be participating in the 2019 Idaho All-State Honor Band. Congratulations to these hard-working students! Also pictured are KHS All-State Choir students.
Kuna Gold Band and Guard @ D3 Championships
The Kuna Gold Band and Guard capped off a great season of growth with a strong performance at Boise State University on Saturday, Oct. 27th. The band took first place in the 4A division and took home the best music caption! What a great season!
Link to Kuna Melba News Article
Link to Kuna Melba News Article
2018 Kuna Marching Invitational
Thanks to everyone who contributed and made hosting our 2018 show that much better! Thank you so much!
First of all- what a great first football game for this 2018 season! Thanks for all the support parents and what a great performance students (both on and off the field)!
Here's a look at what's coming up (of course, this info is available on our calendar at as well):
This week- Tuesday and Thursday evening rehearsals from 5-8pm
Next week- Tuesday and Thursday evening rehearsals from 5-8pm
Also- Saturday, September 22nd I've been able to secure the football stadium for our annual SUPER SATURDAY rehearsal! We'll be working hard to put final touches on our show from 8am to 2pm (hopefully ending early :) ) EVERYONE WILL NEED TO BE TO THAT REHEARSAL. Please send a lunch with your student on that day!
The following week we will have our Tuesday and Thursday evening rehearsals from 5-8pm.
Our next home football game has a call time of 5:30pm on Friday, September 28th.
Our first competition will be the next day Saturday, September 29th at Caldwell High School.
Just so you are aware, competitions do not yet have a timeline attached to them yet as performance schedules are rarely released more that two weeks in advance. An example of last year's Caldwell itinerary is available here though if you'd like to get an idea of what a competition day looks like:
As always, please let me know if you have questions- the next 3 weeks are a really crucial time to our group's success this year. Please help out and be on time and present to all rehearsals with the materials and preparation that you need to succeed!
Students and parents- you're AMAZING and thanks for the opportunity to lead our Kuna Bands!
Skyler Krall
Director of Bands
Kuna High School
Here's a look at what's coming up (of course, this info is available on our calendar at as well):
This week- Tuesday and Thursday evening rehearsals from 5-8pm
Next week- Tuesday and Thursday evening rehearsals from 5-8pm
Also- Saturday, September 22nd I've been able to secure the football stadium for our annual SUPER SATURDAY rehearsal! We'll be working hard to put final touches on our show from 8am to 2pm (hopefully ending early :) ) EVERYONE WILL NEED TO BE TO THAT REHEARSAL. Please send a lunch with your student on that day!
The following week we will have our Tuesday and Thursday evening rehearsals from 5-8pm.
Our next home football game has a call time of 5:30pm on Friday, September 28th.
Our first competition will be the next day Saturday, September 29th at Caldwell High School.
Just so you are aware, competitions do not yet have a timeline attached to them yet as performance schedules are rarely released more that two weeks in advance. An example of last year's Caldwell itinerary is available here though if you'd like to get an idea of what a competition day looks like:
As always, please let me know if you have questions- the next 3 weeks are a really crucial time to our group's success this year. Please help out and be on time and present to all rehearsals with the materials and preparation that you need to succeed!
Students and parents- you're AMAZING and thanks for the opportunity to lead our Kuna Bands!
Skyler Krall
Director of Bands
Kuna High School
T-Shirt Orders
Hello Everyone!
It's been a great first week and I'm super excited about what we have going on this year! I know many of you had the opportunity to request to purchase Show Shirts based on this year's marching show and Band Polos, but I wanted to put out a "last call" if you're interested in ordering.
Please just send me an email if you'd like a shirt or polo and specify the sizes that you need. As soon as you get payment in (15 dollars for each shirt), I'll be able to deliver those shirts! Please let me know by Monday what shirts you'd like to purchase so I can get them ordered. Diane Kulin has done a great job at designing those shirts!
Just a reminder, if you asked to purchase shirts using the band handbook which was turned in previously, you DO NOT need to order those shirts again. By my tally there are already about 80 shirts that need to be ordered because of the band handbooks. Keep in mind as well, students do not need to BUY a shirt- every participating student will be provided a BAND POLO AND SHOW SHIRT.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Skyler Krall
[email protected]
It's been a great first week and I'm super excited about what we have going on this year! I know many of you had the opportunity to request to purchase Show Shirts based on this year's marching show and Band Polos, but I wanted to put out a "last call" if you're interested in ordering.
Please just send me an email if you'd like a shirt or polo and specify the sizes that you need. As soon as you get payment in (15 dollars for each shirt), I'll be able to deliver those shirts! Please let me know by Monday what shirts you'd like to purchase so I can get them ordered. Diane Kulin has done a great job at designing those shirts!
Just a reminder, if you asked to purchase shirts using the band handbook which was turned in previously, you DO NOT need to order those shirts again. By my tally there are already about 80 shirts that need to be ordered because of the band handbooks. Keep in mind as well, students do not need to BUY a shirt- every participating student will be provided a BAND POLO AND SHOW SHIRT.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Skyler Krall
[email protected]
- ALL STUDENTS (including colorguard and percussion) will meet at KHS from 1-4pm on Thursday and Friday to prepare for the parade.
- ALL STUDENTS will be participating in the KUNA DAYS PARADE on Saturday. Call time is 9am. More info is available on our calendar:
- ATTIRE for the Parade is black or dark gray Kuna Band shirt (or black Kuna shirt or plain black shirt if you don't have a band shirt yet), black gym shorts, short or mid-length black socks and athletic shoes or marching shoes. Sunglasses are permissible.
- BAND CAMP STARTS on AUGUST 7th (TUESDAY). More info is available here:
- More info will be updated through email, the band website (especially this link:, on our website calendar and on our Facebook pages: and
- As always, feel free to contact me as you questions- my email is [email protected]
Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to send a quick note to notify parents that as students are coming into camp this week and in the upcoming weeks, as a band, school and a district, we are looking to take care of your students to the best of our abilities. We are aware of the weather conditions and the side effects of the hot weather we get this time of year. We look to balance indoor/outdoor facility use as the heat becomes a concern. Please help your students to remain well fed and hydrated for these conditions.
Also, there are regulations and protocols set into place which help us to monitor the smoke and air quality. As we move into camp, these conditions are taken into account on an hourly basis as we try to limit students' exposure to poor air conditions. Please don't assume that rehearsals will be cancelled due to weather or air quality as we always have things that we can work on inside. Thank you!
We are looking forward to a great year at Kuna High School!
--Mr. Krall
I just wanted to send a quick note to notify parents that as students are coming into camp this week and in the upcoming weeks, as a band, school and a district, we are looking to take care of your students to the best of our abilities. We are aware of the weather conditions and the side effects of the hot weather we get this time of year. We look to balance indoor/outdoor facility use as the heat becomes a concern. Please help your students to remain well fed and hydrated for these conditions.
Also, there are regulations and protocols set into place which help us to monitor the smoke and air quality. As we move into camp, these conditions are taken into account on an hourly basis as we try to limit students' exposure to poor air conditions. Please don't assume that rehearsals will be cancelled due to weather or air quality as we always have things that we can work on inside. Thank you!
We are looking forward to a great year at Kuna High School!
--Mr. Krall

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